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목자의 노래 Song of The Shepherd - Douglas Nolan


정철호 [macjung] 쪽지 캡슐

2019-08-28 ㅣ No.204

✝목자의 노래 Song of The Shepherd - Douglas Nolan | 서울가톨릭싱어즈 (자막 有)


▫서울가톨릭싱어즈 Seoul Catholic Singers

▫지휘 유근창 Conductor Simon, Geun-chang Riu

▫피아노 장민지 세실리아 Pianist Cecilia, MinJi Jang

▫2019.5.12 @서초동 성당 SeoCho-Dong Church


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#서울가톨릭싱어즈 #서가싱 #SeoulCatholicSingers

#목자의노래 #SongofTheShepherd #Douglas_Nolan 


Copyrightⓒ2019 Seoul Catholic Singers. All right reserved.



🌐The following lyrics translation is intended to help listeners understand and may differ from the intention of the composer/songwriter


🙏 목자의 노래 Douglas Nolan


푸른 초원 맑은 물가

나의 목자 되신 주

그 부드러운 목소리 양을 이끄시네

차가운 계곡 (어두운 길)

목자의 그 지팡이 나를 인도하시네

그 부드러운 손길로 나를 만지시네

목자의 노래 나를 부르네

주의 사랑으로 부르네

목자의 노래 나를 불러 주시네

사랑으로 부르네


어두운 밤에 빛이 없을 때

날 불러 주시는 주

깊은 어둠 속에서 

나에게 평화를 주시네

폭풍 속에서 주 성령이 

내게 평안 주시네

그의 사랑의 노래로 나를 만지시네

목자의 노래 나를 부르네

주의 사랑으로 부르네

목자의노래 나를 불러 주시네

사랑으로 부르네

사랑으로 부르네 



🙏The Song of the Shepherd, Douglas Nolan


In a meadow green, by a cool stream,

stands the Shepherd kind and strong.

He lifts His voice to call His sheep

and they obey His song.


With a gentle staff, He leads the way

through the valleys cold and dark.

With tender hand, He gathers them 

and holds them near His heart.


The song of the Shepherd is calling me, 

gently calling me home to His love.

Oh, the song of the Shepherd is gently calling me, 

calling me home to His love.


On those shadowed nights, when we search for light,

a shepherd's watch my Lord keeps;  

and through the dark His loving heart

brings words of rest and peace.


Through the winter storms His spirit warms

and He calms each doubt and fear.

His song of love can cheer the heart

and wipe away the tear.


The song of the Shepherd is calling me, 

gently calling me home to His love.

Oh, the song of the Shepherd is gently calling me, 

calling me home to His love.

Calling me home to His love. 

† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.

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서울가톨릭싱어즈, 서가싱, SeoulCatholicSingers 

페이스북 트위터 핀터레스트 구글플러스

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