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비발디: 칸타타 글로리아 RV 630 중 '세상에 참 평화 없어라..' │ 클래식이 흐르는 영화 Shine


이강길 [u90120] 쪽지 캡슐

2011-07-11 ㅣ No.19509

Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera

칸타타 글로리아 중 '세상엔 참평화 없어라.'

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi 1678 – 1741

Track 34. Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera


Album Title: Shine (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Arranged By – Hirschfelder, Edwards
Harpsichord – Geoffrey Lancaster
Soprano Vocals – Jane Edwards
Composed By – Vivaldi
Cello – Gerald Keuneman

Composer: David Hirschfelder
Audio CD (November 5, 1996)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: Soundtrack
Label: Philips
Copyright (c) 1996 Philips


Jane Edwards is one of Australia's most experienced and acclaimed singers in an unusually wide range of repertoire. She appears regularly on concert platforms throughout the country, and has performed at all of the leading Australian music festivals, including Melbourne, Sydney, Huntington, Barossa, Adelaide and Perth. From 1990 to 1994, Jane was a member of The Song Company, and she currently teaches at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

Jane has given numerous world premieres, creating the role of Milena in Michael Smetanin's The Burrow, and appearing with Synergy in Jonathan Mills' Ethereal Eye (also on ABC Classics CD). She has a formidable reputation as an interpreter of early music, in frequent collaboration with our foremost baroque experts. In addition, she regularly performs lieder and chamber repertoire in association with leading musicians including David Bollard, Marshall McGuire, David Miller and Geoffrey Lancaster.

Her solo recordings include the soundtrack for Paul Cox's film Cactus, CDs of Martin Wesley-Smith's Boojum! and Carl Vine's The Battlers. She can also be heard in the Oscar winning film Shine and the Gold status Swoon II Collection. Her most recent releases include the early Italian disc Salut! (March 2000 early music recording of the month for UK Classic FM), On a Poet's Lips with Marshall McGuire, and Haydn vocal works with Geoffrey Lancaster. Also awaiting release are two discs of Scarlatti cantatas with Rosalind Halton.

Career highlights include many engagements with both the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, and solo appearances with the Danish National Radio Choir and Stockholm Bach Choir. She performed in the Victoria State Opera/Melbourne Festival production of Strauss' Die Frau ohne Schatten, toured nationally with British baroque orchestra Florilegium, sang the Soprano Evangelist in Arvo Pärt's Passio, in the presence of the composer, appeared in recital within Paul Keating's lecture at the University of NSW, and performed with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra in celebration of Peter Sculthorpe's 70th birthday.

2001 saw Jane continue her association with Australia's leading musical organisations. She appeared as soloist with the Adelaide and Tasmanian Symphony Orchestras, Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, Australian Chamber Orchestra, Sydney Festival, Ten Days on the Island Festival in Tasmania, Brisbane Biennial and Melbourne Autumn Music Festival. 2002 will see performances with Sydney Philharmonia, the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, the Queensland Orchestra and Musica Viva Australia.

Jane will also continue recording projects for the Artworks Label.

Jane's biographical notes provided courtesy of Music Aviva

First published on Overs Pianos website May 16, 2002



Nulla in mundo pax sincera
Sine felle; pura et vera
Dulcis Jesu est in te

Inter poenas et tormenta,
vivit anima contenta,
Casti amoris, sola spe.

고난이 없이 세상에 참 평화없어라
밝고 정의롭도다
당신 안에 달콤한 예수가 있도다.

고뇌와 고문 가운데서도
평온한 마음,
오직 소망과 순결한 사랑으로 살았도다.



Antonio Vivaldi의 Gloria 중 세상엔 진실한 평화 없어라(Nulla in mundo pax sincera)는 비발디 세속 칸타타의 대표작으로 꼽히는데, 곡의 평온한 분위기 때문에 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 곡이다. 일요일 아침과 같은 느낌을 주는 곡이다. 대지의 모든 사물을 깨우는 듯한 바이올린의 선율, 하늘에 떠다니는 구름을 연상시키는 아름다운 소프라노가 자아내는 평온함에 감동 받지 않을 사람은 없을 것이다.

Nulla in mundo pax sincera, solo motet for voice, strings & continuo in E major, RV 630

Track. 19. Nulla in mundo pax, R.630 - 1. Nulla in mundo pax (Larghetto)

Performers: Emma Kirkby, soprano
Composers: Antonio Vivaldi
Conductors: Christopher Hogwood
Orchestra: The Academy of Ancient Music

Audio CD (October 14, 1997)
Number of Discs: 2
Label: Decca
Copyright: (C) 1997 Decca Music Group Limited
Total Length: 1:54:13

비발디의 이 곡은 기막힌 선곡이다. '아픔이 없다면, 세상엔 참 평화 없어라...'라는 가사가 말해주듯이, 데이빗 헬프갓의 삶을 감동적으로 표현하고 아픔이 씻어지는 느낌까지 받게 하였다. 비발디의 칸타타 '세상엔 참 평화 없어라'의 음반은 그다지 흔한 앨범이 아니다. 하지만 엠마 커크비(E. Kirkby)의 음반은 더 이상 훌륭한 음반을 찾기 힘들만큼 뛰어나다. 비브라토를 거의 쓰지 않은 커크비의 청아한 목소리는 작품의 평온함을 훌륭하게 살려내고 있다. 호그우드(C. Hogwood)가 이끄는 아카데미 오브 에인션트 뮤직(Academy of Ancient Music)의 연주 또한 일품인데,단정한 반주는 커크비의 목소리와 잘 들어맞는다.

글 출처: 인터넷에서


잘생긴 꾀꼬리 꽃미남 리차드강 어리버리 돈키호테.


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