2024년 7월 4일 (목)
(녹) 연중 제13주간 목요일 군중은 사람들에게 그러한 권한을 주신 하느님을 찬양하였다.


[RE:34394]Funny Funny!!!

스크랩 인쇄

박요한 [Okemos] 쪽지 캡슐

2002-05-31 ㅣ No.34398

My, My....This is the funniest ^^......after that Prayer of Peace in "Satoory" 34356 by Sr. Sesil1129....


I envy you all in Seoul watching World cup games,

while deserting us in here with this damn "Stephanie"...sop sop.


This country side in a corner of Michigan... forget it !!

If they cover it in the 8 o’clock news, we would be lucky.


Cheers for Red Devil and this coach...  He is in a hot spot.

I pray to our Lord a wise judgement for him !!!!!!


From Michigan...


PS: Sorry,  I am writing in English ...in my office,

as my Hangul PC is moved to home^^.




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