2024년 6월 22일 (토)
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Peter, Paul & Mary .. Early Morning Rain

스크랩 인쇄

이장성 [jslee9742] 쪽지 캡슐

2007-06-24 ㅣ No.6125

Peter, Paul and Mary Photo


Peter, Paul & Mary .. Early Morning Rain


In the early morning rain, with a dollar in my hand
With an aching in my heart and my pockets full of sand
I'm a long way from home, and I miss my loved one so
In the early morning rain with no place to go

Out on runway number nine, big 707 set to go
But I'm stuck here on the ground where the cold winds blow
Well the liquor tasted good and the women were all fast
There she goes my friend, o she's rolling now at last

Here the mighty engines roar, see the silver bird on high
She's away and westward bound, high above the clouds she'll fly
Where the early rain don't fall and the sun always shines
She'll be flying o'er my home in about three hours time

This old airport's got me down, it's no earthly use to me
Cause I'm stuck here on the ground, cold and drunk as I might be
You can't jump a jet plane like you can a freight train
So I'd best be on my way in the early morning rain



PETER, PAUL & MARY  아름다운 화음과 멜로디, 반전, 인권 사회적인 문제와 저항의식을 가사에 실어 40년이라는 긴시간이 지났어도 아름답고 차분하면서 더욱 호소력짙게 다가옴을 느껴봅니다..





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