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길이요 진리요 생명이라 I am the way and the truth and the life - Sally Deford

스크랩 인쇄

정철호 [macjung] 쪽지 캡슐

2019-05-02 ㅣ No.127

† I am the way and the truth and the life 길이요 진리요 생명이라 - Sally Deford  



지휘 - 유근창 시몬

피아노 -  남효주 안젤라

2017.05.14 서초동 성당


Seoul Catholic Singers

Conducted by Geunchang Simon, Riu 

pianist Hyo-Joo Angela, Nam

14 May 2017 @Seo-Cho Catholic church


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☑유튜브 구독 : https://goo.gl/2v2HA7 [Subscribe]


#서울가톨릭싱어즈, #서가싱, #seoulcatholicsingers


Copyrightⓒ2017 Seoul Catholic Singers. All right reserved



I am the way the truth and the life

That's what Jesus said

I am the way the truth and the life

That's what Jesus said

Without the way there is no going

Without the truth there is no knowing

Without the life there is no living

I am the way the truth and the life

That's what Jesus said 

† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.

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서울가톨릭싱어즈, 서가싱, SeoulCatholicSingers 

페이스북 트위터 핀터레스트 구글플러스

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