2024년 6월 8일 (토)
(백) 티 없이 깨끗하신 성모 성심 기념일 마리아는 이 모든 일을 마음속에 간직하였다.



스크랩 인쇄

박요한 [Okemos] 쪽지 캡슐

2001-08-05 ㅣ No.23300

Fr. Son,


We, the silent readers all undersntand and have the

wisdom looking at this kind of issue.


We know what kind of people these are....

I can guess most of them are those who did not get

what they wanted from Church...

trying to abuse the church.


Please do not worry... we the majority of the

catholics are supporting Fathers,

and the decision of the Holy church...


One of the faults of these people is they might believe

we do not know how hard and thourough scrutiny should be

made by Rome to reach decisions like this... Rome is not

a rubber stamp.


We know there should not be anything like this accusation.


We respect Mgr Ahn more as there are many enimies,

meaning Mgr Ahn  has been doing  the right things.

Cheers for Mgr. Ahn!!!


We believe in Rome, our holy church...


Congratulations to 4 Monsignor...


It is the time to celebrate....!!!


From Michigan


PS: Where are you Br. Rejipa...?

We miss your punches to these dumb foxes...

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