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오늘의미사 (백) 2024년 4월 18일 (목)부활 제3주간 목요일나는 하늘에서 내려온 살아 있는 빵이다.



성가대 영상 모음
능력의 주 십자가 Power of the Cross - Lew King

272 정철호 [macjung] 스크랩 2020-06-04

✝ 능력의 주 십자가 Power of the Cross - Lew King

▫서울가톨릭싱어즈 Seoul Catholic Singers ▫지휘 이승희 Conductor Lucia, Seung-Hee Lee ▫반주 남효주 Pianist Angela, Hyo-Ju Nam ▫2017. 4. 9 @서초동 성당 #서울가톨릭싱어즈 #서가싱 #seoulcatholicsingers #Power_of_the_Cross #능력의_주_십자가 Copyrightⓒ2012 Seoul Catholic Singers. All right reserved. ───────────────────────── 🌐The following lyrics translation is intended to help listeners understand and may differ from the intention of the composer/songwriter. 🙏 Power of the Cross A dying man hung on a cross To set us free, He paid the cost. God sacrificed His holy Lamb, His precious Son, the great "I Am!" O the power of the cross! Lift it high to draw the world to Him. For our gain, He suffered loss O the power of the cross! There was a cross that bore your name, Scarred by sin and stained with shame. But, on that cross, if eyes could see, He took your place on Calvary. O the power of the cross! Lift it high to draw the world to Him. For our gain, He suffered loss O the power of the cross. When I servey the wondrous cross. On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride, O the power of the cross! Lift it high to draw the world to Him. For our gain, He suffered loss O the power of the cross! 

O the power, the mighty power of the cross! 

† 성부와 성자와 성령의 이름으로 아멘.

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서울가톨릭싱어즈, 서가싱, seoulcatholicsingers
페이스북 트위터 핀터레스트 구글플러스

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